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Section: Dissemination


Today, one of the main questions in science popularization and computer science teaching at school in France is: "how to scale?". Some of our recent actions in the domaine are mainly oriented towards this goal of scaling, in particular with the Class'Code PIA project ( , F. Masseglia is member of the project).

F. Masseglia has coordinated a national network of colleagues for promoting code learning. After several training sessions given to professionals of education F. Masseglia has written a complete guide for setting up a similar training session ( ).

"La main à la pâte" is leading the writing of a school book on computer science teaching involving Inria (Gilles Dowek, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Florent Masseglia and Didier Roy), "France-IOI" and the University of Lorraine. Florent Masseglia has tested the pedagogical sequences of the book in a classroom near Montpellier.

Zenith participated to the following events in Montpellier:

F. Masseglia is scientific vice-editor of interstices ( ), and a member of the scientific committee for the edition of “Datagramme”, the game from Inria on science popularization. He has participated to the two days training sessions on "science popularization" given by Claude Vadel in Paris, on Dec. 4 and 5, 2014.

A. Joly and J. Champ participated to the set-up of a Pl@ntNet demo within the French pavillon at the Universal Exposition hold in Milan (about 2M visitors on the French pavillon).

As a member of the organizing committee of the Floris'tic project, A. Joly participated to several popularization and educational actions in collaboration with Tela Botanica NGO (cities, parks, schools, etc.)

F. Masseglia is a member of the management board of "Les Petits Débrouillards" in Languedoc-Roussillon. He also is the scientific responsible for schools visits in the Lirmm Laboratory.

D. Shasha gave several talks: “the changing nature of invention in computer science” (Morgenstern seminar) and “Group Testing to Describe Causality in Gene Networks” at Inria Sophia-Antipolis in april, and “Statistics is easy” at IBC, Montpellier in march.

P. Valduriez gave a talk on “Integrating Big Data and Relational Data with CloudMdsQL” at the DGA seminar “Traitement de l’information multimodale et Big Data”, Arcueil, in october.